Posts Tagged ‘readings’


MARCH Planet Report: Total Solar Eclipse on 3/08 – Then Saturn Goes Retrograde 3/25

March 2, 2016

Anyone have the Total Solar Eclipse Blues Yet?

For all who think solar eclipses are “cool,” er, not so much, in terms of the effects known to the ancient science of Vedic Astrology. The advice of the wise is to avoid looking at, or being out in the eclipsed light of, this Luminary of our solar system. It is also not advised to eat from a couple of hours before, until a couple of hours after, an eclipse. All of the above advice applies even more so, to pregnant women.

This eclipse will be totally visible in Sulawesi, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Borneo, and the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  It will also be partially visible in northern and eastern Australia, in South Asia, and in East Asia. The areas in which an eclipse is seen will feel the astrological effects the most, per the classic texts.

This eclipse is occurring in the fixed air sign of Aquarius.  There will be a five-planet pile up going on in this sign at the time. The Sun and Moon will be at the same exact degree here in Sedona (MST) at 6:00 p.m. local time on March 8th. 

Who feels it the most?  LEOS (those with this Rising and Moon sign) are ruled by the SUN.  When the light is temporarily “extinguished” they will experience something out of the ordinary, even if it is just some feeling of displacement, being out of sorts or not quite themselves. Leos are born leaders and take pride in being noticed for their accomplishment. To suddenly feel “not seen” is not comfortable or fun for them. So hang in there, Leos!  They have already been going through the yo-yo factor with the malefic north node of the moon, RAHU, crossing Leo since January 8 of this year.  Having benefic Jupiter also crossing their sign, has been the saving grace here.

Those with Aquarius Ascendants or Moon signs will feel the intensity as well.  The south node of the moon, KETU, is the culprit trying to swallow the Sun on this day. It is joined in this sign by Venus, Mercury, and of course the Sun and Moon.  There could be issues with some relationships and certain feelings of vulnerability on this occasion, but I still think it will affect the Leos even more.   About the only thing an eclipse day is good for, is having a Yagya, which is an ancient type of remedy in Vedic Astrology; a ritual in which skilled priests take on the job of mitigating the karma which one’s birth chart may show in various aspects of life. I do have a wonderful source for yagyas, done in India on the banks of the Ganges, if anyone is interested in that service.

March 1 – Mercury moved into Aquarius on this date.  This is the 9th house for Geminis, thus a good place to begin feeling more luck and support of nature for those with this Rising or Moon sign. However, for the other sign ruled by Mercury, VIRGO, this represents their 6th house so not as comfortable.  The 6th house represents health problems, worry, anxiety, stress, enemies, rivals and competitors. The only Virgos who may benefit would be lawyers and doctors or health professionals, who may attract more clients at this time.

March 7 – Mercury goes combust the Sun.  This is a time when the nimble Mercury travels too close to the Sun and “feels the burn,” and not in a good way. Thus qualities of tactfulness and diplomacy may suffer. Watch your tempers, Virgos and Geminis!

March 7 – Venus enters Aquarius, a friend’s sign.  Venus rules good houses for those with Aquarius Rising or Moon signs, thus providing some comforts or even “luxuries.” This normally very cerebral sign may even be feeling a little sensuous now. For both Libras and Taureans, the signs ruled by Venus, this position represents very good houses for them both.

March 8 – Total Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. See discussion above. I should add that many Jyotishis (Jyotish is the Sanskrit word for Vedic Astrology) feel that the effects of an eclipse last from two weeks before until two weeks after, they occur. Some even feel the effects last for one month on either side of an eclipse.  That is why many have been feeling unsettled for some time now.

March 13 – Sun moves into Pisces….and not a moment too soon. It will feel more comfortable now, getting away from mean old Ketu, and out of an enemy’s sign (Aquarius) into a friend’s sign now.  However for LEOS, this represents their 8th house of transformation, vulnerability, battles and disunion, as well as knowledge of past and future. I urge Leos to listen to their intuition and be vigilant of their boundaries during this 30-day period.  The Sun represents for Pisces Rising and Moon sign folks, the ruler of their 6th house, thus bringing some discomfort, worry or anxiety and perhaps the tendency to get “overheated” one way or another.

March 18 – Mercury moves into Pisces.  This is a more helpful position for the Virgos, as it represents their 7th house of partners and travel. Being able to connect with others now, becomes smoother and more comfortable.  It’s also a good house for Geminis, also ruled by Mercury, representing their 10th house of career, action, name and fame.

March 23 – PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE.  Usually there are at least two eclipses per year of both Sun and Moon, and they do often occur within the same month, often within two weeks of each other.  This penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible from most parts of Asia, Australia, North America and South America.  There are some very good sites online which you can google and see the full path of this eclipse.  It will occur in the earth sign Virgo.  At least it is just a partial darkening of the Moon’s light…but let’s keep in mind that the Moon represents mind and emotions in the Vedic system, and thus the normally logical Virgos could be slightly thrown off their usual game on this day.

March 25 – SATURN GOES RETROGRADE.  This period of the appearance of “going backwards” begins at 2:57 a.m. MST.   It does not move into direct motion again until August 13th.  There is already the uncomfortable situation that Saturn has been in Scorpio for some time, thus in an enemy’s sign.  Mars is also transiting through Scorpio now, too, and these great enemies being in the same sign together create much friction which spills over into the world scene, adding to the chaos of current times.  The two signs ruled by Saturn are Capricorn and Aquarius.  While this represents good houses for both of them, the retrograde period will bring some delays and obstacles. It may also bring the unavoidable need to finally resolve some issues they have been putting off, or thought were already settled.  Patience will be needed.

March 31 – VENUS  moves into water sign Pisces. Here the great benefic experiences its sign of exaltation.  Those with Pisces Rising or Moon signs should feel rather playful and attractive now, if not downright self-indulgent.  Venus rules Taurus and Libra. For those with Taurus Ascendants or Moon signs, this is a very nice transit, through their house of gain, income and fulfillment of desires.  For the Libras, Pisces represents their 6th house, so efforts will be needed to relax, try and avoid extra stress and worry now, and focus more on taking care of themselves.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Sedona, AZ.  Tel. No. 928-284-4060.  Thank you for any referrals you may send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,






Both SUN and Venus in Exalted Status now

May 5, 2014

Vedic Astrology Planet Changes for May, 2014

We now have both the lunar and solar eclipses of April behind us, and thus we can hope for some more peaceful times.

For a few days, we had THREE planets all in their signs of Exaltation: Moon, Sun and Venus.  The Moon was only in Taurus from April 30th at 3:55 a.m. MDT until May 2nd at 12:38 p.m. MDT, as it changes signs every two and a half days.

When both the Sun and Moon are exalted, each year one day is named the Day of Lasting Achievement, so if you got any projects done on May 1st, going into May 2nd, that was an auspicious time for new beginnings, etc.

Those with Rising or Moon signs of Cancer, would have enjoyed that brief couple of days with the ruler of their charts in that high status in the house of gain and income.

The Sun has been exalted in Aries since April 13 and will stay in that sign until it moves into Taurus on May 14, thus LEO Rising and Moon signs (which are ruled by the Sun) have been enjoying greater support of Nature and the feeling of personal power which they love so much.  Aries, likewise would be feeling rearing to go, except for that malefic Ketu still in the sign of Aries (until 7/13/14).

VENUS, a great benefic planet which rules the signs of Libra and Taurus, went into Pisces its sign of Exaltation on April 27 and stays there until May 23 – this is beneficial to the Taurus Ascendent and Moon sign folks, as it is crossing through their house of gain and income. For the Librans, it is not so helpful there, since Pisces represents their 6th house of stress, worry, anxiety, enemies, rivals and competitors, multiplying those factors in their lives. Sorry, Librans. We know you have been under much duress already with that long-transiting Saturn, plus malefic north node of the Moon, RAHU crossing your 1st house! It won’t last much longer, so hang in there.

MERCURY just moved into Taurus on May 4th – this is helpful to Virgos, as it is the ruler of their chart now passing through their 9th house of good luck, good fortune, Natural Law and remedies. Not so helpful to the other sign it rules, GEMINI, as this represents your 12th house of isolation, solitude, losses and expenses, but it can be a time of spiritually going inward, so try and enjoy that aspect of the transit.

Mercury is also getting out of Combustion (traveling too close to the Sun) on May 8th, which will be a relief to Virgos and Geminis, and also helpful for smoother communication in general, for most everyone. 

MERCURY enters Gemini on May 22 at 2:52 p.m. MDT, which will be wonderful for both the Geminis and Virgos of the Vedic Astrology world, as there it is strong in its own sign, bringing more clarity to the intellect, communication and commerce.

MAY 19th is a big date, with Mars finally going direct, from its position in VIRGO, which sign it had retrograded back into some time ago.  Those ruled by MARS (Scorpio and Aries) will have a sensation of progress or events which may have been stalled, moving forward once more.

Thank you for any referrals you may send me for  a personal reading, yearly reading, couples compatibility reading or astrocartography reading,or if you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member of dear one. Please just call on me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. From the Sunshine Corner, as ever, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 303-473-9393,





MARS and SATURN are both retrograde now, as of 3/01 and 3/02

March 3, 2014

MARCH Planet Report: We currently have THREE planets in retrograde motion or “the appearance of going backwards” which does not bode so well for the areas these planets govern in your own natal Vedic birth chart.  You can also page down to previous Blog posts of mine, in which I describe at length the effect of planetary retrograde periods.  Planets get stronger to deliver what they stand for, while in retrograde. Mars and Saturn are considered malefic, plus they are enemies to one another, so traveling through the same sign i..e “being conjunct” is not an easy situation on a big scale, much less in certain individual charts.

On March 1st at 9:24 a.m. MST, MARS went retrograde.

On March 2nd at 9:12 a.m. MST, SATURN went retrograde.

Both planets have been traveling through the air sign of Libra, also conjunct with malefic lunar north node RAHU.  This malefic “planetary pile up” has been none too comfortable for those with Libra Rising or Moon signs (and to a lesser degree, Sun signs), for quite some time.  Hang in there, Librans!

As I have mentioned before, MARS and SATURN are “great enemies” so it is like rubbing two rocks together to produce sparks when they are traveling through the same sign. The President will have his hands full during this cycle, as Saturn rules his chart. At least Saturn is in the highest dignity, being exalted, but he will feel “up to his neck in alligators” including dealing with certain “foreigners” (Rahu governs foreigners) as long as these conjunctions continue.  There is just some roughness to be expected when the three strongest malefic planets have to share the same sign!

Who else gets impacted by this planetary placement? SCORPIO Ascendants and Moon sign folks, that’s who. Here in Libra, the ruler of your chart is now passing through your 12th house of loss and expenses. This may also make you tend to feel isolated or conversely, prefer seclusion. You can expect the same results, once Mars returns to Libra on 7/13, after its sojourn back in Virgo for a few months.

MARS backs all the way up into VIRGO on 3/24 where it will stay until 7/13. That is a very long haul, indeed (it goes into Direct motion on 5/19).  VIRGO Ascendants and Moon sign people will not be as comfortable with this fiery malefic passing through an enemy’s sign here. Mars rules Virgo’s 8th house of vulnerability. You could feel very active, restless, ambitious, but just not “settled” or comfortable, and perhaps even a little accident-prone.  VIRGO is the sign of the perfectionist.  On a global level, groups governed by this sign may fight to “prove” they are “right”!  Just a reminder that it is better to choose to be happy over “being right”, Virgos!

Mars was already in this practical Earth sign of Virgo from 11/26/13 through 2/04/14.  Therefore, projects begun in that timeframe may need to be revisited, updated or revised, to achieve final completion.

JUPITER, a great benefic, has been retrograde since 11/06/13. It finally goes direct motion on 3/06/14 at 3:19 a.m. MST. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. Those who have these as Rising Signs or Moon signs, will be pleased to experience some forward momentum once again.

Remember to set your clocks forward one hour for Daylight Savings Time on Sunday morning, March 9th! (for all States that observe same).

MERCURY enters Aquarius on 3/11, joined by Venus on 3/30/14. This is a friend’s sign to them both and those with the fixed air sign of Aquarius as Ascendants or Moon signs will enjoy the playfulness that these two planets will bring.

The Sun is in Aquarius until 3/14, when it moves into Pisces. This is the 8th house for Leos, the sign ruled by the Sun, so you could find yourself “going through changes” in the 30 day period beginning 3/14, as the 8th house represents transformation, vulnerability and sexuality.

APRIL will feature a total Lunar eclipse on 4/15 and an annular Solar eclipse on 4/29, so “watch this space” as we’ll discuss the impacts of these celestial events, next month.

When is the last time you treated yourself to a Vedic Astrology reading? It is only in the context of a personal reading that I can fully explain what all these planet movements mean for you now, and in the year ahead.

Thank you for any referrals you may send me for  a personal reading, yearly reading, couples compatibility reading or astrocartography reading, or if you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member of dear one. Please just call on me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. From the Sunshine Corner, as ever, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 303-473-9393,


MARS enters Libra Feb. 4th; Mercury goes Retrograde Feb. 6th

February 3, 2014

Are you ready for the astrological changes February is bringing in?

Well, ready or not, folks, here they come:

2/04/14 – fiery planet MARS enters the air sign Libra, where it will be conjunct with its enemy SATURN, which is very strong in his sign of Exaltation, as well as tricky north node RAHU.  This is going to be one doozy of a conjunction!  Yes, it does make me worry for possible outbreaks of violence throughout the world, including at the Olympics.  This is simply a very volatile planet line up.  Saturn is like the Immovable Object and Mars is like the Irresistible Force, to give you some idea of what I mean.  I am also concerned about several clients, friends and relatives who have been driven nearly to the edge already, just from Saturn and Rahu’s conjunction in Libra for the past year! Those of you with Libra Rising or Moon signs will be feeling this the most….

2/06 until 28 — Mercury will be retrograde. This can be expected to throw the typical monkey wrench into communication and any equipment which deals with same. Try not to take it personally, especially those of you with Virgo or Gemini Rising or Moon signs!

2/12 – Sun enters Aquarius – For Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun, this will be a pleasant change, as it leaves the 6th house of worry, enemies and obstacles and enters the 7th house of partners, travel and marriage, although this is still an enemy’s sign for the Sun, just as Capricorn was in the previous one month transit.

2/09 – 21 – Mercury combust the Sun.  Combustion occurs when a planet travels too close to the Sun. This condition makes the planet (and those ruled by it! – Virgos and Geminis) feel more irritable and crabby, rather than their usual diplomatic selves. Tactfulness may go by the wayside during this period.

2/18 – Mercury backs up into Capricorn (it has been in Aquarius).  Now we have the time to re-examine, or complete projects begun during the previous transit of this sign.

2/25 – Venus enters Capricorn – it is in a friend’s sign here and thus happy to bestow so many Venusian gifts upon those with Capricorn Rising or Moon signs: affection, comforts, even luxuries, pleasures – just be careful not to overdo it in terms of self-indulgence, Capricorns!

Looking ahead some into future months, there are some interesting points to consider:

 March 1st Mars will go retrograde, while in Libra.

March 24th Mars backs up into Virgo.  It does not go into direct motion again until May 19th.

JULY 13 will be a heck of a day!!

Early that day, at 1:40 a.m. MDT Rahu moves backwards, into Virgo (and Ketu into Pisces).  At 9:41 a.m. MDT Venus enters Gemini.  At 9:14 p.m. MARS enters Libra (again) and will stay there until September 4th!  So for awhile earlier that day, both Rahu and Mars will be in Sandhi (the gap) at late degrees of the same sign (Virgo) so that’s not a fun time, either.

When is the last time you treated yourself to a Vedic Astrology reading? It is only in the context of a personal reading that I can fully explain what all these planet movements mean for you now, and in the year ahead.

Thank you for any referrals you may send me for  a personal reading, yearly reading, couples compatibility reading or astrocartography reading,or if you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member of dear one. Please just call on me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. From the Sunshine Corner, as ever, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 303-473-9393,


New Year’s Day New Moon in Sagittarius – good for “new beginnings”

January 1, 2014

Are you ready for 2014?  We are off to a nice start on January 1st as the New Moon occurs at 4:15 a.m. MST in the fire sign of Sagittarius.

New Moons are known to be a great time to start something new, so I advise taking action on your New Year’s resolutions, even if it is just to write down an intention in your journal.  That may feel self-empowering, to set in motion the energy towards accomplishing your goals.  Of course 4:15 a.m. Mountain Time is rather early to roll out of bed and get into action, but that is the exact moment in which both Sun and Moon will be at the same degree and thus the official “new moon” in Sagittarius. The Moon is in this sign along with both Mercury and the Sun. Those with Sagittarius Rising and Moon Signs (in your natal birth chart) should especially enjoy the boost this gives you to start the new year with an optimistic spirit.

As 2014 begins, the two great benefics Jupiter and Venus are both in retrograde motion. Thus, the signs ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) as well as those ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) may have that classic feeling of “some things going backwards” in their lives. Yet when a benefic planet is retrograde, it is even stronger to give its gifts, so this is not entirely a problem here.  Venus will “go direct” on January 31, and Jupiter not until March 6.

Venus is currently in Capricorn, a friend’s sign, but due to the retrograde motion, it backs up into Sagittarius on January 6. This will bring even MORE activity (and pleasure, comforts, luxuries, and earnings) to those with Sagittarius Ascendents or natal Moon signs! No complaints there.

After a couple of days with THREE planets in Sag. (Sun, Venus, Mercury), Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 8th. This is still helpful to the Sag’s, as communication will continue to be stimulated, plus their actions bring in money now and business should be good. For those ruled by Mercury (Virgos and Geminis), the Virgos will enjoy success and easy learning if their focus is on studies now (Capricorn is their 5th house). For the Geminis, Mercury in Capricorn represents your 8th house of transformation and vulnerability, so take care of your health now and don’t get too fixed on certain decisions made earlier, as they are likely to change. Yes, again!  LOL – Geminis are forever trying to decide between “on the one hand, this; but on the other hand, that” as their symbol is the Twins! Indecision thus reigns.

The SUN moves into Capricorn on January 14th and stays there for a month. This is not the most comfortable place for the Sun, on its yearly journey around the zodiac, as it is an “enemy’s sign.”  For Leos, who are ruled by the Sun, this is your 6th house of obstacles, enemies, rival and competitors, so better stay on your toes and try some relaxation techniques like meditation when you get home from all the stress at work each day.

For those with Capricorn Rising, like President Obama, the Sun rules your 8th house, bringing some vulnerabilities and thus still many fires to put out, so to speak, and a changing landscape upon which to navigate, rather than the stability which Capricorns would prefer.

Some of the exciting highlights of our upcoming slower-moving planet changes are as follows, and we will discuss these more in depth as we get closer to these dates are:

  • 6/18/14 JUPITER enters CANCER, its sign of Exaltation! This will be a delightful development for those with Cancer Rising or Moon signs, as Jupiter represents good luck and good fortune, happiness, good judgment and for us ladies, it represents husband. What a grand 12.5 months this will be!

  • 7/13/14 RAHU and KETU, the lunar nodes move, which only happens every 18 months. They always move backwards, thus Rahu enters Virgo, while Ketu will enter Pisces. This will actually be a HUGE blessing to get malefic tricky Rahu off the exalted Saturn in Libra. Finally Saturn should be able to give us the best of what it stands for in an unimpeded manner: duty, responsibility, structure, humility, dedicated service, and the ability for the mind to transcend. Those in the service industries will feel relief, at last.  Perhaps the minimum wage will finally get raised, at the national level.

  • It will be so interesting to experience TWO of the slower moving planets being Exalted at the same time: Jupiter and Saturn. From the sign of Libra, Saturn will be aspecting (“looking at”) Jupiter, which may hold in check any tendency for Jupiter to be too expansive for that period.

In any case, there are some welcome changes to look forward to in 2014, in terms of the astrological influences, and I welcome your inquiries for a personal reading to see what it all means for you. My contact phone number is 303-473-9393, or write me at Website  All blessings to you, from the Sunshine Corner!


Both SATURN & MERCURY going Retrograde

February 18, 2013

Planet Movements for February, 2013

SATURN – goes retrograde tomorrow morning, February 18th and will stay in this condition until July 7th.

Since August 3, 2012, Saturn has been transiting LIBRA, the sign in which it receives Exalted dignity. Malefic Rahu joined it there on January 14, 2013 (and Rahu stays in this sign for 18 months).  A planet in exaltation is in its highest dignity, and thus considered more able to deliver on the qualities it stands for. Yet we were taught that “Exalted Saturn means exalted grief”, since grief, obstacles and delays are some of Saturn’s qualities.

For the signs which Saturn “rules”, Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is transiting very good houses (the 10th of career, action, name and fame; the 9th house of good luck, respectively).  For Libra Ascendents or Moon signs, Saturn is the Yoga Karaka, or best planet, so we still expect it to bring good things for these signs, in any case.  For society at large, Saturn is governing servants, and those who labor — sitting with Rahu, and now going retrograde, we could see some restlessness and even chaos in these segments of the population now. Attention will be drawn to their plight, and perhaps (finally) some solutions can be found, such as increasing the minimum wage, which has sadly lagged behind the cost of living increases, for many years now.

MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE ON FEBRUARY 23- and stays that way until March 17th.  It will be in the Sign of Aquarius when this occurs, along with the Sun, Mars and Venus. The “planetary pile up” in the fixed Air sign of Aquarius will bring some positive energy, at least from Venus (Yogakaraka planet for Aquarians). Mars is already there and bringing more energy and ambition (but perhaps some irritation, anger or quarrelsomeness as well). Even Mercury brings the ability to learn new things now, something that always appeals to Aquarians. The Sun rules the 7th house for this Air sign, and thus can attract new partners, whether personal or business partners.

VENUS went combust the Sun on February 16th and stays that way until May 6th, so those with Taurus or Libra Rising or Moon signs, take note, as you may find yourself feeling more peevish or easily stressed or irritated during this period. Patience is such a virture, isn’t it? LOL.

As usual, I am happy to oblige with a personal reading, yearly reading, couples compatibility reading or astrocartography reading, if you would like to book an appointment. Please just call on me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. From the Sunshine Corner, as ever, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 303-473-9393,


JUPITER is finally out of retrograde today! Jan. 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

JUPITER – great benefic planet that rules Sagittarius and Pisces, has been retrograde since 10/04/12, and just today went into Direct motion at 4:07 a.m. MST.

This change will of course highly benefit those ruled by Jupiter. My Sagittarius Ascendent and Moon friends have been especially hard hit with this 6th house transit which has been going on since 5/16/12.  Malefic Ketu was also traveling there with it until just recently, 1/14/13.  Jupiter moves into Gemini on 5/30/13, which will be a wonderful relief for Sagittarians. You can then look forward to a year of travel, and feeling closer to a partner.

It bears mentioning that it will take until the morning of April 25, 2013, for JUPITER to again reach the degree it was in, when it went retrograde last October.  Thus Sagittarians and Pisces folks may find they will get to (or have to!) revisit old issues or projects that got delayed then, and wrap them up or reach a sense of completion, at last.

VENUS – the other great benefic planet of the Vedic Sky, just moved into Capricorn on 1/28/13.  It joined Mercury and the Sun in this movable earth sign. The Sun owns Capricorn’s eighth house, so it can bring a feeling of vulnerability, but Mercury and Venus can make them feel more playful, alert and even focused on their considerable projects.

MARS – just moved from Capricorn into Aquarius on 1/25/13. Capricorns certainly would have been feeling the ENERGY and drive from Mars, exalted in their first house, but may have also felt restless, impatient, and prone to quick temper or anger, more than usual during this previous transit, so this move to the next sign, can feel like a relief and perhaps they will get more rest and feel calmer now.

Aquarians can benefit from the Mars energy now, perhaps feeling more initiative or a call to action, as Mars rules their 3rd and 10th houses.  Now is the time to act, rather than just continue to “think about it” or philosophize as Aquarians are sometimes want to do!

Librans, heads up! How’s that Rahu with exalted Saturn traveling through your first house of self, body, personality and direction of your life working out for you? Just checking.  I expect to hear from some of you any day now, wondering WHAT is going on!

As usual, I am happy to oblige with a personal reading, yearly reading, couples compatibility reading or astrocartography reading, if you would like to book an appointment. Please just call on me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. From the Sunshine Corner, as ever, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 303-473-9393,


MERCURY Retrograde 7/14-8/07/12

July 12, 2012

Our next Mercury retrograde period begins this Saturday night, July 14, at about 8:12 p.m. MDT. In Vedic Astrology, this occurs in the water sign of Cancer, a sign of sensitive emotions. With Mercury representing communications, some verbal interactions (or email) that occur in this period, could seem more emotionally charged than usual.  As always, Mercury retrograde gives us plenty of “opportunity” to be misunderstood! It’s important now to be more careful in analyzing any contracts one has to sign.

Adding to this transit, will be a period Mercury combust the Sun as well, thus more afflictions for this planet. Combustion period is from July 21st – August 5th.

Those with Virgo or Gemini Ascendants or Moon signs will feel it the most. When a planet is combust, those whose charts are ruled by it, may feel and act more restless, irritable, upset, and easily angered or annoyed than normal.  Thus you (and your friends!) have been warned to try and moderate those impulses. 

Retrograde ends for Mercury on August 7th at 23:36 MDT.

 In other starry news for July, the Sun joins Mercury in Cancer on July 15th.

Venus will enter Gemini on July 31st and transit in this air sign until August 31st.    

To discover what all this means for your own individual chart, life and times, please contact me for a natal or yearly reading.

Thank you, Mary Stevenson, from the Sunshine Corner.  website: